Author: pkrafel
Just learning how to play with all of this.

Cairns #83 – Beginning of the Long Nights, 2015

My Metaphysics About 1 ½ years ago, I realized that the book I’ve been trying to write had to include “my metaphysics.” For the last six Cairns, I’ve intended to have an article that addresses at least some of this

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Cairns #88 – End of the Long Nights, 2017

Cairns #88 End of the Long Nights, 2017   Lessons from the Fields Winter is my season for rain walks and we’ve had lots of rain this year. I feel like my rain walks are leading me to a whole

Cairns #86 – End of the Long Days, 2016

Painting your own classroom A conference on teacher-powered schools sent out a request for presentation proposals. In response, Alysia and I put together a proposal in which we share some of the problems we encountered with Chrysalis in order to

Cairns #85 – Beginning of the Long Days, 2016

Just a few more days to the end of the first school year of simply being a part-time teacher at Chrysalis. Been an interesting year. I aided Alysia with her 6th grade math class. For the first month, I worked

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Cairns #84 – End of the Long Nights, 2016

Moving a Boulder An old ranch road traverses the upper regions of this area’s watershed. Its ruts capture many small drainages coming down the slope and gather all of their runoff onto the road where the runoff flows quickly towards

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Cairns #82 – End of the Long Days, 2015

School has started so teaching is dominating my mind, including this issue of Cairns. Schooled I recently read “Schooled”, an article in The New Yorker by Dale Russakoff <>. It describes what happened when Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s donated one hundred

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Cairns #80

Helping turn the prow of our entropyship, the Earth, back upstream so that Earth’s evolving consciousness may explore the vast headwaters of the Universe for billions of years to come. Cairns #80 End of the Long Nights – 2015  Alysia

Cairns #81

Helping turn the prow of our entropyship, the Earth, back upstream so that Earth’s evolving consciousness may explore the vast headwaters of the Universe for billions of years to come. Cairns 81 Beginning of the Long Days, 2015   The

Cairns #64

The mission of H.O.P.E. is to turn the prow of our entropyship, the Earth, back upstream so that Earth’s evolving consciousness may explore the headwaters of the Universe for billions of years to come. The work of H.O.P.E. is to

Cairns #01

The mission of H.O.P.E. is to turn the prow of our entropyship, the Earth, back upstream so that Earth’s evolving consciousness may explore the headwaters of the Universe for billions of years to come. The work of H.O.P.E. is to
